Erin Jones is a biracial, transracial adoptee, who was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota, where she was adopted by parents who had been raised in Northern Minnesota. Her father took a teaching job at the American School of The Hague in the Netherlands, where Erin was raised and where her parents taught for over 30 years. By the time Erin was 17 years old, she could speak four languages and had played soccer, basketball, and softball in 10 countries. Upon graduation from high school, Erin returned to the United States for college. She attended Bryn Mawr College, in a suburb of Philadelphia, where she earned a Bachelor of a Arts degree in Literatures of the African diaspora in English, French, and Spanish. She later earned her teaching certificate from Pacific Lutheran University and another certificate in Language Immersion instruction from Concordia College. Erin has worked as an athletic coach, a substitute teacher, a classroom teacher, an instructional coach, a state assistant superintendent, and a school district executive. Erin has earned awards as The Most Innovative World Language Teacher, the Washington State Milken Educator of the Year, a White House Champion of Change, and the Inaugural Hanford Education Leader. Erin ran to lead the Office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction in 2016 and lost that race by 1%. Her loss propelled her into full-time consulting on issues related to equity and public speaking at conferences, in schools, and at churches. Since 2017, Erin has spoken to over 500,000 students and provided trainings and keynotes to a similar number of adults. She has three TEDx Talks and recently published a book, “Bridges to Heal US: Stories and Strategies for Racial Healing.” She and her husband, James, have been married for almost 30 years. James is a high school teacher and head football coach. They have three adult children - one who is a para educator and coaches football, one who serves as the communications and project manager for an education foundation, and one who works for an independent video game design company.

Erin Jones was one of ten individuals recognized by the White House as “Champions of Change,” honoring leaders who have advanced educational excellence for the African American community.

- The White House

Erin Jones is a grounded, accessible leader of racial healing and social justice. Her compassion and global perspective invite authentic engagement, personal growth, and collective action. It is an honor to learn from Erin's wisdom and courage. I am grateful for the opportunities Erin has provided that have broadened my capacity to serve.

- Equity Institute

Erin brings her entire heart to her presentations. Her presence is raw, authentic, and based on lived experience. Her light shines brightly and though she reaches into really dark places, she leaves attendees feeling optimistic, unburdened, and enlightened. I offer my highest recommendation of Erin Jones to be a speaker at your next event.

- Gonzaga University

I first saw Erin speak at an awards ceremony as the key speaker - she talked about overcoming adversity and shared a personal story that I thought was incredibly inspiring. I was so impressed, I asked if she would come speak at my Rotary Club and she said YES without hesitation. Her message of disrupting narratives, failing forward, tapping into one's potential and serving others received a rare standing ovation from our 150 member club. Her message resonated with everyone regardless of age, race/ethnicity, religion/faith and political affiliation and forces you to take a look at yourself to see if you need to reprogram your own thinking about setting limits on your own life. I highly recommend Erin as a speaker.

- MD Design Group

Erin spoke at PTA convention in Bellevue in 2013. Myself and many others were very impressed with her forthrightness and passion.

- VocationStation



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